Saturday, December 13, 2008

Elf on a Shelf

The smell of momma wenge's candy corn in the air, Andrew's Behold the Lamb on the speaker...its the most wonderful time of the year.

Any reader of this blog knows that The Heady Crew is famous for making traditions out of everything. Anything that went well once is worth doing every year ha ha. Well this year we have added a new tradition to the mix. This idea was passed along from Grandma. She had heard of this idea from a student at her school. What is this new thing? Well its called Elf on the Shelf. You can visit their website to read all about them. Basically we have an elf that comes and visits us every day. Each night he leaves our house and reports to the North Pole on how are kiddos are behaving. The next morning he is back here safe and sound. Each day he returns to a new place in the house. So it is quiet fun for the kiddos to run around the house trying to find him. Your first task of housing an Elf, according to the book, is to give him a name. Our Elf's name is Jingle. So if you see Allie over the next few days you can ask her where Jingle is today and I'm sure she will be happy to tell you all about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Heady's!