Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Who couldn't love this time of year

December hit us in full force. We have the girls both a tree in their rooms, and last night we put up the Heady tree in the living room. Most of the ornaments landed in the small lower left section allie was standing in, but all is good. www.idigitalscrap.com is going strong with multiple orders coming in by the day. I am trying to come up with unique designs, and I am about out of fresh ideas. So if your emailing me with an order, have something in mind!!! hehehe. I love this time of year. I already have christmas music blasting in the car and we will be attending the andrew peterson concert at the ryman in 2 weeks! i love it! On a side note, my abby pooped on the potty today for the first time!!! YEAH ABBY!!! 6 more months of diapers and counting!

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