Friday, October 31, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

Each year of Allie's mobile life we have sat down together and carved a jack-o-lantern. You can scroll back through this blog and see most of them. To the right you will see this years version. Abby has yet to really show any interest in the process, but allie is very good at getting in there and ripping out all the goo from the insides. This was the first year that she actually did some of the carving. The little pumpking carving kits come with the little cutter tools and she did a very good job of using them. I may have some competition on my hands!!

In addition to the great pumpkin carving tonight we will head out to do some trick or treating. I realize some folks are hard core about not embracing this tradition or holiday. I understand their point of view, but from a practical point i don't see the big deal. We have never stressed about it too much. We allow the kiddos to dress up, we visit family and spend some time at church for the Fall Fest. I don't really see the harm. We are not doing family costumes like we did last year, but expect to see pictures on the blog later of Ariel and Sebastian from the Little Mermaid. Allie has been looking forward to tonight for months. So it should be lots of fun!

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