Sunday, October 12, 2008


Tonight sammy and I went to the movies. That in and of it's self is pretty rare for us. With the movie room downstairs we usually just watch movies here. We met up with Jerry and Tracy to see the movie "Fireproof". I guess going in I was some what skeptical. You are never really sure what to expect. I must say I was really surprised by the quality of this movie. I have always like Kirk Cameron since back on the growing pain days. Still some where deep down I was expecting to be like the original left behind movie from the 70's where the girl is running across the bridge and the song is playing " I wish we'd all been ready" over and over again. Don't get me wrong the message was good. But that was a corny movie. The newer ones were better I thought. Anyway, with that thought in mind we travelled to support this Christian film. Not to give away anything about the movie but it is about a married couple struggling about to get divorced. They did an awesome job with humor, hard topics, and telling the Gospel. I can't say enough good about it really. We all say "these movies these days have all this junk in them ...I wish they would make movies with out all that garbage. ". Well put your money where your mouth is and go support this film. This is truly a family film that ALL can safely watch and enjoy. If you know anyone struggling with their marrage then give them $30 bucks and pay for them to see this film! It is very powerfull for us all. To hear the Gospel message delivered on the big screen was really a nice change. I to give this movie two thumbs up! But don't take my word for it. See for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really glad your queen and yourself got to see this greaty movie! Sam and I saw it about a week ago. I was so taken by it, I took the kids (that wanted to go) to see it last Thursday night. Get this....they loved it!!

I echo your two thumbs up!