Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Old faithful blog

Months have gone by since out last blog post. Lots have changed but mostly things are the same! Today most of my web publishing effort goes to Facebook or twitter. Never the less our old faithful blog is sitting out here hosting years of old but good info. Tonight i thought Id give the old blog a little love and create a new post.

One big change since the last post is the arrival of our iPad!!! At our last post there wasn't even rumors of such a device, how crazy is that. So far Im really digging this little device. I'm writting this post from the iPad as we speak. The keyboard does a pretty good job, but still no where near the speeds of my old trusty regular keyboard, but it is better than I expected. The speed of the device is what has totally blown away. For the first time in two years my iPhone seemed really really slow. I've just had a few days to really dive into the iPad for all the cool stuff but so far im loving it. Is it right it for everyone, probably not. Is there a spot for it in the crazy commuter world and not just for us apple fan boys? Most definitely. I'm reallly excited to see what comes from this new creature. Not just from apple, but from the rest of the industry as they follow suit.

Well honestly I'm so used to 8 word enties from other social stuff this seems like a novel so Im gonna shut 'er down for now. But thanks for stopping by, and feel free to follow me at Facebook.com/heady or on Twitter @heady20. Those are where most of the cool stuff lands these days.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The reason for no blog posts

It seems that all the topics i have posted here in the past have recently all been going to Facebook. For those few people that actually follow this blog, i encourage you to follow me on Facebook. Below is my facebook link, and some current stuff i've put on there. We still put alot of photos on Flicker so check them out here

Ryan Heady | Create Your Badge
Ryan Heady

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let's see your PC do this ...

Can your PC do this? I think not....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LCP has arrived

Today was a special day in the life of the Heady concealed weapons arsenal. The long sought after LCP arrived. The path to today involved many phone calls and many laughs from the other end. Apparently everyone is looking for the LCP so none of the shops around here had or could get the LCP. Enter stage right, gunbroker.com. Gunbroker is the ebay of guns, and boy do they have them. Well after watching a couple days to see how the site worked I placed a bid last friday and won the coveted gun. During the phone call to pay, I discovered they had more than one so Cam purchased one too. Today they arrived at our favorite gun shop. The Outdoor Junction, in Cookeville. Needless to say within an hour we were out on the secret firing range. The little guy does a good job. And as you'll see in the video below the first two shots were nothing but perfect. Good shooting Cam!!! Cam, Tara, and myself put the two little guys through their paces. We also took the chance to pop off several dozen .22 rounds. Fun Fun Fun. As we were at the Outdoor Junction today I learned of a soon to be open firing range. Can't wait to try that out! If you like guns, or hunting or fishing or anything like that you need to travel up the OJ in cookeville. They will treat you right!!

Oh and in case your wondering, yes LCP has already taken a concealed trip to a local merchant. Ah the joys of being a licensed carry permit holder!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Series Finale

Last night was Jay's last night on "The Tonight Show". I must say i am very sad to see him go. I really enjoy Conan too, but for now Jay seems to be the choice for that spot. I hope the move to 10 o'clock goes great so we can still enjoy both of them. I'm really glad that Cameron and I made it out to see Jay live before he left the show. In case you missed it, here was the very last part of the show which i thought was pretty cool. Enjoy

Thursday, April 30, 2009


This video opens a flood gate of memories and emotions. Two years have flown by since Erin left us. Today especially, I reflect back as i'm sure you do too. Enjoy the "EB" video.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Trip around the block

After supper tonight we went out to do a little playing outside before the sun went down. One thing led to another and before i knew it we were taking a trip around the subdivision. I pushed abby in the stroller and Allie took her first bike ride around the subdivision. She has been riding alot in the yard and on the driveway. But this was her longest ride yet. it is right at a mile, and has several hills. She did a really good job. She hasn't built up the courage to pull the training wheels off yet, but i think this summer will see that milestone. She is really enjoying it and especially likes it when i pull out the trek and ride with her. You gotta love this weather!!!!!